7 ways to optimize your coworking space

Who can boast an annual growth rate of over 20%?

Coworking spaces!

They are ideal for self-employed workers and even many employees. For companies, they represent a great opportunity to avoid long leases and test new markets.

And for the main stakeholders? The advantages are there: less competition and internal politics, more collaboration and mutual aid! The employees are even happier there than in a traditional environment.

For the self-employed, coworking spaces allow them to socialize, develop a routine, be part of a community and have better discipline. So, where do we sign? It almost sounds too good to be true! But not if we optimize the space!

Today, we are offering you 7 ideas to improve the experience of your coworking space. Flexibility, tranquillity, identity, and acoustics!

1. Systems are Essential! 

An efficient system that will help reduce distractions is essential for employees’ success in an open coworking space. For example, noise-cancelling headphones, do not disturb signs on employee desks, or a platform for booking conference rooms and phone booths are crucial.

By the way, the andcards application allows you to reserve rooms or communicate with members of your coworking space.

2. Flexibility isn’t just a buzzword.

The freedom and ability to change office layout based on the needs of employees is essential. Coworking spaces require even more movement and flexibility, as colleagues leave the space and new ones arrive, so modulating the office based on employee movement is vital. Thus, we increase the breathability of the workplace and increase employee satisfaction!

Ideally, we can roll the desks around the office, move mobile walls, and rearrange phone booths (in any case, ours move!). You can read about it in our article "9 secrets to improve employee experience using office design".

KUBICULE phone booth - Easy to install - Easy to move

3. Office Zones

We love open area workspaces for the collaborative feeling that comes with them. That said, we often need some peace to concentrate. We also need a change of scenery to bring out creative ideas. For this, an office divided into different spaces is ideal:

  • Conference rooms

  • Kitchen and coffee station

  • Brainstorming areas

  • Relaxation zones with bean bags, swings, hammocks, etc

  • And, of course, phone booths, a must for which Hedhofis did not hesitate to opt for its new coworking space in Sainte-Julie, Qc.

Kubicule @ Hedhofis coworking space - Sainte Julie, Qc

Kubicule @ Hedhofis coworking space - Sainte Julie, Qc

4. Booths everywhere!

The beauty of acoustic booths is that there can be several in the same office (they don’t  take up too much space!). They are easy to move and can be personalized according to your brand image (thousands of Pantone colours to choose from!).

And for the user, well, he can discreetly call Grandma, work on a PowerPoint without being snooped on, or even take a little break from his beloved but oh so noisy colleagues.

5. The joy of dividers and mobile walls 

For more privacy and uninterrupted work, there are noise-reducing office dividers sold free-standing or suspended. Some allow you to pin notes or images to it. Depending on your taste, they can be semi-transparent, opaque or covered with an acoustic felt in different colors and styles as can be found at Feltkütur. The sky is the limit!

Movable walls can be installed anywhere to create separate areas for work and collaboration. The fasteners are temporary, so that they can be moved around without a problem. This is an excellent solution for more privacy in an open space, which in turn, absorbs sound.

6. Brand identity affirming decor

It often goes without saying that in business, the decor represents the brand image. But what about coworking spaces, when humans from different worlds come together? The space itself needs to define an identity, a beauty of its own, which will inspire the people who frequent it.

A unique logo, branding, style and colours will create a feeling of togetherness. Additionally, biophilic office design always creates a positive mood. And don't forget: you can also customize your phone booths.

KUBICULE, the unique phone booth to be fully customizable phone inside and out

KUBICULE, the unique phone booth to be fully customizable phone inside and out

7. Acoustics on point

In a previous article, we explained how office sound and acoustics are an often neglected aspect of offices when it should be of high priority in coworking spaces!

But how can sound be addressed in your workplace? There are several ways: flooring, carpet, ceiling materials, plants… We could write a whole article about it! Oh, and by the way, we recommend the Krisp app to help reduce background noise during calls.

The app is helpful for personal use… but is not ideal for your coworkers. For longer calls, our phone booths are perfect! 

That about sums up our 7 ideas for improving your coworking spaces. But wait! Don’t leave yet: discover our acoustic cabins in a thousand Pantone colours.


5 ways to create a resimercial design with phone booths


7 advantages of acoustic booths at work